Our Story

'It’s all about you.'

Here at tlc Body we believe that lumps and bumps are normal, filter-free skin is beautiful and beauty products should make you feel good about who you already are. tlc Body is all about treating yourself to the things you want for yourself, rather than the things you’re told you need. Beauty products are not essential, but you are.

Meet our founder, Carissa.

For years I worked in the marketing department of big brands, where I was told to tell people that to be happy they had to look a certain way. These brands were giving insecurities, self-doubt and unhappiness to so many people and making them feel less about themselves because they didn’t look like the filter-perfect models in their social media feeds, all to gain sales.

I created tlc Body to make people feel good about themselves while using products that actually worked. I wanted to create a brand that told people they were beautiful from the start, and made them feel it too. I wanted to create effective, easy-to-apply products that people enjoyed putting on. Not because they were ashamed of how they looked, but because it was an enjoyable, fun experience that relaxed them whilst also providing benefits. I want people to not question who they are when they meet my brand, or feel like they ‘have to have’ my products because without them, they’re seen as less than perfect. I want every person who comes across my brand to feel special. Not just our customers. Everyone. tlc Body is not just about our customers, it's about our community.